St. Francis Strest 90 Vegi Caps on Sale

St. Francis Strest (5:1 Powder Extract) Details
There is no formula on the market quite like St. Francis Herb Farm’s Strest, which combines six of the most potent and significant herbal adaptogens in the world.
The word “adaptogen” was first coined by Russian scientists to describe an agent or remedy that acts as a metabolic regulator, helping the body cope with the many damaging physical and emotional stresses encountered in day-to-day living, especially in our modern age.
Factors like a daily commute, pollution, strenuous exercise, and poor diet can all exert a negative influence on immune and adrenal functions, not to mention our mental and emotional equilibrium. Easy to take and affordable, Strest is a prime way of enabling the body to recover from the toll taken by all these worries and pressures.
Strest nurtures the nervous system and offers a superb means of reducing anxiety and mental fatigue. At the same time, it improves sleep patterns and promotes a calm state of mind, even as it enhances mood stability.
Take 1 St. Francis Strest (5:1 Powder Extract) capsule 3 times daily.
Ingredient Facts
| Donq Quai (Angelica sinensis, root) 42 mg (5:1 extract, QCE 210 mg), Black Cohosh (Actaea racemosa, root and rhizone) 36 mg (5:1 extract, QCE 180 mg), Burdock (Arctium lappa, root) 32 mg (5:1 extract, QCE 160 mg), Sage (Salvia officinalis, leaf) 30 mg (5:1 extract, QCE 150 mg), Chastetree (Vitex agnus-castus, fruit), 20.5 mg (5:1 extract, QCE 102.5 mg), Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca, herb top) 20.5 mg (5:1 extract, QCE 102.5 mg), Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea, root) 16 mg (1% Rosavin, 5:1 extract, QCE 80mg)
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